As the world goes on changing time and again , it has put lives of many people globally in miserly! To get out of this, we must be brave enough to encounter every challenges that come our way! Different group settings or individuals encounter these challenges with diversity of approaches!
As an individual, act on your own initiative, but be prepared to assume full responsibility for your acts. You are living your and your only life!
One of the primary differences between those who achieve greatness in their lives and those who manage only to “get by” is that successful people learned early in life that they were responsible for their own actions. No any other person can make you successful or keep you from achieving your goals. Taking the initiative means assuming a leadership role, a position that singles you out for praise — and for criticism. The good leader is the one who shares the credit for success with others and assumes full responsibility for failures or temporary setbacks. When you accept responsibility for your actions, you gain the respect of others and are well on the way to creating your own future.
As as leader, to achieve the best in life is the art of knowing the resources you have and giving them priority accordingly! In this case, the most important resource i may cite time!
Time is such a severe force. It ages you. It does not make any exceptions, even the mountains. It is severe and ubiquitous, and is not going to leave anybody, anywhere, out of its handiwork. Every wrinkle you have is the handiwork of time. Therefore, age you will. It is certain. Everybody ages. But if in one year, you have grown up, if you have one more year of inner growth, you can celebrate. This growth can only take place by your own initiative and what follows are celebrations.
As we are almost closing the year, you can still come out of that fear or hell of earthly intimidations and do much more out of creativity and innovation . The world awaits us all!

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