Are we a less creative / innovative generation?

Growing up, we used to tease our mom, how their shoes were funny or weird.
My is a sixties girl, that is when they wore hot panties, mini skirts and maxis.
They had wooded sole block heels, sharp pointed high heels and gladiators too.
To them, those were mainly dancing shoes.
In their then clubs like Susana in Nakulabye and subway they wore their shoes with confidence.
They had the British influence, and according to her, men then were very respectful.
Guess we are just recycling our ancestors fashion and now that I’m into shoes, I think they were very creative.
Are dance classes still here?
Clubs these days are full of flip-flops, runners, and not so much class, anyways those are my thoughts.
What is your opinion about club dress code, do you think high heels or that is old school?
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