Give others Hope

You can be an influence on others by reaching your dream, your goal, your ideal. So often people think they can’t do something rather than saying wow, that would be an awesome thing to do. But they don’t believe it could be possible.
And there you are – doing it – what you dreamed about – you have finally accomplished it.
Can you imagine how inspiring your story would be to others? It doesn’t have to be earth shattering. Overcoming an obstacle you once thought was impossible or coming up with an idea and working hard to bring it to reality truly is noteworthy.
Everyone has a story – a lesson you learned that could help others. A lesson that inspires, a lesson that teaches, a lesson that says if I can do it, you can do it too.
This is called HOPE. Giving others hope that they too can do wonderful things with their life.
So always choose to heal, not to hurt;
to forgive, not to despise;
to keep trying, not to quit;
to smile, not to frown;
and to love, not to hate
because at the end of life, what really matters is
not what we bought but what we BUILT;
not what we got but what we SHARED;
not our popularity but our CHARACTER; and not our success, but our SIGNIFICANCE.
Live a life that matters. Live a happy life that cares and gives hope!
As Bravo Shoes, we believe in giving young children hope that they will once grow like us do things we do and much more! Hooray ! We are overjoyed to partner with , parents, pupils, staff and administration of Walyembwa Primary school Of Bumana County in Luuka District

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