The Night was still young for Joe Bidden

The foot that takes a step ahead carries no pride or arrogance, and the foot that stays behind feels no dismay or fear. Both are fully aware that there places will change soon. The one that went forward will remain behind and the one that stayed behind will move forward.
So is it with situations in life. They are ever changing. The good gives way to bad and the bad gives way to good.
Do not feel dismayed if the going is rough now, better times will surely come. Do not feel elated when the going is good, bad times may be around the corner.
Live life with an equilibrium. Remain at peace through all tides of life. The road may not always be on our side
and it would be too long as well as distant! But ,ahead are surprises beyond our expectation Just keep going ! The happiness is a head of us! Happiness and the fulfillment of our dreams are waiting at the end of this long and winding road.Just give a try or keep trying with consistency. There are things you can only do to
those who always try to know how to try with us. That’s being supportive and inspirational. That’s why we talk so little about them!
what really matters to us is finding someone to try to the same way we like or do things which is also difficult, yes, but it’s not the hardest. The hardest part is finding the person who can risk the hardest tasks before him/her , the ones you’ve had the answer for years without even knowing them! ..
Its therefore a task we shouldn’t give up on!
Let’s keep the candle burning one day we shall reach the destination of an awesome life taking an example of the USA elect President Joe Biden. The he always new that the night was still young and consistently kept moving with perseverance step after the other!
Congratulations Joe Biden!

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