Listening to our Inner Self about our Children

Today I would like to share my experience about listening to your inner self especially when it relates to our children.
Shortly after Simon’s diagnosis I was referred for physiotherapy and as I consulted with this person he kept comparing him to his elder brother, like the head is different, arms, legs OMG by the time the session was over i “hated” this person and could not wait to leave his place determined not to go back because he made me feel what I did not see in my son.
Also Iam reminded of a neighbor too who I whole heartedly welcomed the son and sometimes he would be soiled dirten my house and it really broke my heart when I found out that she was referring to my son as “kasiru”. Painfully I took a decision to forgive her ignorance and continued to seek for help for my son.
Its these times that I was reminded that it was not about me but rather what I wanted my son to be when I would not be there to defend and protect him.
 To a mother who is almost giving up, “HOLD ON” be strong because there are so many more like you who wake up everyday to care for our children. People may not understand it but our love for our children will win them over and help them understand what’s its like to be born different and that it is okay because we are all created in God’s image.
It is okay to consult and listen in to your intuition and walk away from circumstances u feel convicted that they may not help your child because you understand them better than anyone.
If i had not moved on past those mere detractors I would not have achieved what I did for Simon and you too can do the same.
We came up with PLAY CLAY product which we use in simon’s therapy and is very good in promoting creativity and arts in children and most of all is fun to work with. It comes in ten different colors and packaged in 500g and 250g  year
and request for your support. We have attached pictures and a price list.
We are grateful to Bravo shoes for their support towards making our voice reach out to you.
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