What is Stress in relationship?

In a relationship,  Stress is the gap between our expectations and reality. The more the gap the more the stress. So expect nothing and accept everything.
It should be noted that relationship isn’t  an  examination to pass or fail.Nor it’s a competition to win or lose. It’s a feeling that u care for someone more than yourself . Stress is a relationship has caused a lot in relationships where by suicides,  witchcraft ,diseases and unwanted polygamy have been witnessed.
Never leave a relationship for a few faults build your own  relationship and move on. No body is perfect and no body is ever correct whatsoever! It’s only affection that outweighs perfection!  Just looking at what spoils relationships mostly, communication leads all.
Poor communication creates a gap between the people in a relationship. Its remains your/ our primary role to bridge up this gap. One can achieve this when he or she engages his / her partner in dialogue ! Talk about things ! Good or bad .Talk about their implications. Don’t forget that time is an essential tool in relationship building. Give each other time . This in the long run will build trust between you. Trustworthy and honesty move hand in hand! So try by all means to be honest.
While communication is a tool in relationship building,  avoid bringing back the past .Also know that having an argument is normal and u won’t always be happy. While u are doing all the above, dont always expect instant change! Change is a gradual process and it will fasten depending on how u treat it.Flaws whatsoever will come in, appreciate them ; But most importantly become best friends love each other Unconditionally. There you will have no stress but laughter all the time that will yield good health of the body and mind hence development.
A happy family inspires the rest in the community. The community becomes the society and the latter becomes the nation. How happy would we be to live in such a nation? Me and u it’s our responsibility.  Let’s move on !
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